Gafael Tir – Episode 1 (in English)

Gafael Tir – Episode 1 (in English)


Hydref 25 – 08:00 pm


Hydref 29 – 09:30 pm

Click to Register:

Gwilym Morus-Baird

An online show that tells the story of land rights and protest in Wales.

The show explores the history of y werin (‘the Welsh common folk’), and their struggle for a better life. Their tales are told and their old ballads are sung as we meet kings, cross dressing farmers, radical preachers, land workers and unions; a thousand years of history squeezed into 4 online episodes. Drawing on Welsh folk arts, the show touches on politics, human rights, freedom of thought and expression, the right to protest and the history of British democracy.

This first episode begins a thousand years ago, and tells the story of the taeogion, the land workers of medieval Wales who’s remarkable resilience saw their culture persist for centuries. Each episode is concluded with a Q&A with the audience.

Gadael Ymateb

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